Holy Basil Santa Monica Building Process. Week 4.

Week 4 Progress: Cast Iron Pipe Installation Completed

This week, we wrapped up the fourth week with the successful installation of nearly 200 feet of cast iron piping. The system was divided into two separate drainage systems: one for regular waste and another dedicated to grease waste.

The waste lines were connected to a total of 17 fixtures, which included:

A commercial toilet

Hand sinks

Floor sinks

Area floor drains

It’s been a productive and rewarding week as we move closer to completing this project. Take a look at the progress so far!

By the way, Los Angeles recently experienced a devastating wildfire, with thousands of homes and businesses were reduced to ash. Let us keep in our prayers those who have lost their homes and the authorities who are working tirelessly to contain the fire and protect the community.

Today sunset in Santa Monica. We had a fire several days ago that destroy thousands of homes in the high end area of Hollywood.

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